International Visitor Leadership Program


2020 Market Sanitation Idi-Oro market

On February 6, 2020, the IVLP Alumni Association intervened to clean the Idi-Oro, Mushin food market. The market is one of the major food markets in Lagos. The market leaders also joined in as we also enlightened them on how to properly dispose of their waste as well as recycle and upcycle waste products.

We appreciate FABE, Mushin to the World, and susty vibes.

2020 Grant Writing Workshop

In February 2020, the IVLP organised a workshop on grant writing. This was targeted at equipping members with the right grant-writing skills so they can obtain more grants and embark on more community impact projects.

We appreciate our facilitators: Mr. Soni Irabor and Mr. Sola Owonikoko

March 2020 Combatting drug addiction and crime prevention for public secondary schools in district IV & VI

The IVLP alumni association took on the crusade against drug and crime amongst teenagers as this is becoming prevalent amongst young people. The sensitization program x-rayed peer pressure, substance abuse, the psychological effect, crime and the unforeseen consequences. Twenty public secondary schools participated in the program

We appreciate: United States Consulate, Lagos, Rotary Club of Ikate, Education Districts IV and VI.

2020 Door to Door Distribution of Text Books And Past Questions To Mentees During Lockdown

During the lock down due to Covid-19 pandemic, the IVLP Mentors embarked on a door to door distribution of textbooks and notebooks to mentees. With the help of the school authorities of both Ajumoni Senior Grammar School, Okota and Stadium Junior high school, Surulere, we were able to reach almost all the mentees in their various homes. The mentees would have graduated earlier in the year but for the lock down. The gesture also afforded us the opportunity to meet some of the parents and guardians who expressed their profound appreciation tot he USIVLP.

We appreciate: The United States Consulate for enabling us, Education District IV and VI

2020 graduation of mentees Okota and Surulere

In November 2020, the last batch of 2019 mentees who have completed the 8 weeks mentorship training finally graduated. The graduation was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic lock-down. The low key ceremony was held separately in each school.

We appreciate: Our BOT Chairman, Barr Lambert Nor, Mrs.Quatey (Education District VI), Mrs.Bola Lawal (Education District VI)

2020 Leadership Workshop For Teachers

On the 20th of November 2020, we kicked off the mentoring session with the leadership seminar for teachers with the theme “The role of the role model”. Teachers from districts IV and VI were in attendance. The essence of the program was to celebrate our teachers and also give them the platform to talk about their challenges and to help them with practical solutions. We also prepared them for the mentorship sessions with the students.

We appreciate: The United States Consulate, Lagos, Mr.Stephen Ibelli the public Affairs Officer of the COnsulate, Dr. Maymunar Kadiri, Mr. Abiola Salami, Mr. Sola Ownikoko.

2020: HEART PRINT 0.1 Chirstmas party for street to school pupils.

The IVLP alumni association reached out to the pupils of Comenius Nursery and Primary School, a “street to school” initiative run by IVLP Alumnae Tosin Taiwo, where she takes children off the street and educates them in the school free of charge. The IVLP Alumni partnered with Tosin Taiwo to give the graduating students an unforgettable ceremony as well as a fun-filled Christmas party for the entire class and teachers.
Within that period, we also visited again, the widow of our departed BOT member, Barrister james Edechime, the son of our deceased sister Late Bolanle Bakare and Mrs. Vera Anyagafu who had lost her husband.

We appreciate Nestle plc, Food and Beverage Recycle Alliance and every member of the IVLP family for the financial commitment to make this a success story.

Mentorship Session in Ekiti

Between 2018 and 2021, we have mentored almost 2,000 Senior Secondary School students of public schools on leadership skills, social skills, decision making processes, waste to wealth and entrepreneurship in about 12 schools in Lagos and Ekiti States.

Our sole appreciation goes to the United States Consulate, Lagos for always enabling us to do more.

2021 Graduation of mentees Okota, Oke-Afa and Surulere.

On May 20, 2021, the first set of 2021 Mentees from 3 public Secindary Schools graduated after completing the 8 weeks mentoring course on leadership, social skills, decision making processes, entrepreneurship and how to generate wealth from waste( waste to wealth).
Education USA also exposed mentees to schorlarship opportunities available and to qualify and apply.
One hundred and sixty two(162) students from 3 schools participated in the mentorship program. It was awesome engaging the mentees for eight weeks. We learnt a lot from them as well.


WE APPRECIATE: United States Consulate, Lagos, Education USA, Education district IV and VI and the Principlas of the 3 schools

2021 Waste Management Partnership with Ekiti State waste management authority

In November 2020, the last batch of 2019 mentees who have completed the 8 weeks mentorship training finally graduated. The graduation was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic lock-down. The low key ceremony was held separately in each school.

We appreciate: Our BOT Chairman, Barr Lamber Nor, Mrs. Quatey (Education District VI), Mrs. Bola Lawal (Education District VI)

Achieving a rape, child molestation and domestic violence free community

The sensitization program on combatting and achieving a rape, child molestation and domestic free community was held in five different local government areas across Lagos state. Chairmen and community leaders lend their support to the success of the sensitization program in their respective zones. Target audience were 100 participants per LG/LCDA but in all, 1080 people participated across the 5 LG/LCGA.

Parents and caregivers were enlightened on the early signs to watch out for as well as the tactics perpetrators are likely to use on their children. Parents and care-givers were also enlightened about the psychological effect of rape and child molestation as well as the effect of domestic violence on children. The team also shared contacts details of where and how to get practical help and justice if affected. Participants were allowed to ask questions and answers were provided satisfactorily.
Media campaigns and interviews on both electronic and print media were paramount parts of the crusade against rape, child molestation and domestic violence.

2021 waste to wealth training Shomolu LCDA

At the request of the Shomolu local governmnet chairman, the IVLP organized a “waste to wealth” seminar where the youth were taught how to generate wealth from waste

2021 Leadership seminar for teachers in Ekiti State

On July 8 2021, we rounded off the mentoring session with the leadership seminar for teachers with the theme “The role of the role model”. 100 teachers from different public secondary schools participated in the seminar. Like the 2020 edition held in Lagos, the essence of the program was to celebrate our teachers and also give them the platform to talk about their challenges. The program also equip them to be better role models especially to their students.

We appreciate: The United States Consulate, Lagos, His Excellency Dr. Kayode Fayemi, Governor, Ekiti State, Dr. Mrs. Olanimpe Aderiye (COmmissoner for Eduction Science and Technolgy, Ekiti State) Dr. Olomojobi Flakemi (Permanent Secretary, Ministy of Education Ekiti State) Directos at the Ministy of Education, Ekiti State, Mr. Abiodun Oyeleye.

2021 graduation of mentees and senitization against drug addiction & crime prevention in Ekiti State

On July 9 2021,the first set of mentees from 5 public secondary schools graduated in Ekiti state after completing mentorship course on leadership, social skills, decision making processes, entrepreneurship and how to generate wealth from waste (Waste to wealth). Two hundred and sixty five (265) students from 5 schools participated in the mentorship program.

It was awesome engaging the mentees as we learnt a lot from them as well.

We appreciate: The United States Consulate, Lagos, His Excellency Dr. Kayode Fayemi, Governor, Ekiti state, Dr. Mrs. Olabimpe Aderiye (Commissioner for Education Science and Technology, Ekiti State) Dr Olmojobi Folakemi (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education Ekiti State) Directors at the Ministry of Education, Ekiti State, Mr. Abiodun Oyeleye.

2021 International day of the girl child

On the 11th of October 2021, the IVLP, with the support of the United States Consulate, organized book reading and girls’ talk for 100 girls from different schools. It was an awesome time of learning, sharing and bonding.

HEART PRINT 0.2 Igbologun Community Project

On the 19th of March 2022, the IVLP had the second edition of the COMMUNITY IMPACT PROJECT tagged “HEARTHPRINT 2.0”. The team visited Igbologun, a riverine community on snake island, Amuwo Odofin LG.
Clothes, food items, toys and medical senitization and entention were part of the program.

2023 International day of the girl child

On the 11th of October 2023, the IVLP joined the rest of the world to celebrate the special day with 100 girls from 5 public schools.

Our Appreciation: Public Affairs section of the United States Consulate, Deputy Public Affairs officer Amanda Roach Brown, Veteran Actress, Iretiola Doyle

Empower to prosper 2023 (Fashion)

From June to August, the IVLP embarked on skill acquisition programs in Fashion for single mothers and widows in lagos and Warri, Delta State.
The program was fully funded by the United States Consulate.

Empower to prosper 2023 (Makeup)

From June to August 2023, the IVLP embarked on skill acquisition programs in Make-up for single mothers and widows in Lagos.
The program was fully funded by the United States Consulate, Lagos.

Empower to prosper 2023 (Accessories)

From June to August 2023, the IVLP embarked on skill acquisition programs in Fashion Accessories for single mothers and Widows.
Thr program was fully funded by the United States Consulate.

Empower to prosper 2023 (Film & Television)

From June to August 2023, the IVLP embarked on skill acquisition programs in Film amd Television production in Lagos.
The program was fully funded by the United States Consulate, Lagos.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about how we can help you.